Frequently Asked Questions

Most Frequently Asked Questions

These FAQs are designed to provide a better understanding of Glomics Inc., our services, and our other technical means. They provide basic information, sometimes about fairly complex topics, and will often link to more detailed information.

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Q1. What is the cost of analysis?

Q2. What are the DNA requirements?

For GeoChip analysis we need 1 ug of DNA. If you do not have that much DNA we can do whole community DNA amplification to increase the amount of DNA available. For that ideally we would like 100 ng of DNA be we can work with less (2 ng).

For sequencing, we need 100 ng of DNA.

DNA quality for either assay should be 260/280 = 1.8; 260/230 =/>1.7.

Q3. What genes are covered on GeoChip?

Q4. What genes can be sequenced?

We currently offer sequencing for 16S, ITS2, and nifH genes. If you are interested in other genes, please contact us in details.

Q5. How should samples be shipped?

DNA can be sent on dry ice or the DNA can be dried down and shipped at ambient temperature. Please include your contact information and sample list inside the package containing your samples.

click to download sample processing form in PDF format

click to download sample processing form in EXCEL format

Q6. Where should samples be shipped?

Samples can be shipped to:

Joy Van Nostrand
Institute for Environmental Genomics
University of Oklahoma
101 David L Boren Blvd
SRTC 2030
Norman, OK 73019

Q7. Do you offer any data analysis?

We will provide access to our GeoChip or Sequencing data analysis pipelines.


If you have additional questions or need more information, please contact